How to send long text input to ChatGPT using the OpenAI API
A straightforward guide to sending large input to ChatGPT using Python.
Optimizing text for ChatGPT: NLP and text pre-processing techniques
Mastering text preprocessing to send more input to ChatGPT.
Measuring productivity with GitHub issues
Can a little Pandas help improve your development velocity?
Digital resilience: redundancy for websites and communications
How you can make your digital life more resilient when using services you don't own.
Add search to Hugo static sites with Lunr
Make your static site searchable with a client-side search index.
What is TCP/IP? Layers and protocols explained
Alternatively titled, "Why the Internet Protocol Suite is an imaginary rainbow layer cake"
Build your own serverless subscriber list with Go and AWS
How to build your own newsletter list with DynamoDB and SES email sign up confirmations.
Manipulating data with Django migrations
How to update Django models and manipulate existing data using migrations.
Outsourcing security with 1Password, Authy, and Privacy.com
Take some work off your plate while beefing up security with three changes you can make today.
SQLite in production with WAL
An underappreciated candidate for light and fast database transactions.
Multithreaded Python: slithering through an I/O bottleneck
How taking advantage of parallelism in Python can make your software orders of magnitude faster.
A cron job that could save you from a ransomware attack
How a simple scheduled job can help you quickly recover from ransomware.
Publishing GitHub event data with GitHub Actions and Pages
A guide to overcoming the GitHub event data horizon with a little command-line magic.
Secure application architecture basics: separation, configuration, and access
A starting point for building secure application architecture, for busy developers.
Migrating to the cloud but without screwing it up, or how to move house
A practical guide to moving to cloud services with minimal downtime, using AWS examples.
Hackers are Googling your plain text passwords: preventing sensitive data exposure
Why sensitive data controls need to be established long before you think you need them, as demonstrated by Google dorking.
SQL injection and XSS: what white hat hackers know about trusting user input
A primer on SQL injection and cross site scripting, and how to handle user input in software development.
How to write Bash one-liners for cloning and managing GitHub and GitLab repositories
Using xargs and awk in Bash to automate managing remote-hosted repositories.
Knapsack problem algorithms for my real-life carry-on knapsack
Using a greedy algorithm and dynamic programming to pack my full-time nomad travel bag.
Things you need to know about becoming a Data Scientist
Five Data Scientists discuss a day in the life and what it takes to be a successful Data Scientist.