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Post to Your Static Website From Your iPhone
I love websites. I love static sites in particular. But I know that sometimes it’s just not practical to write and post only from your computer. With my hands full raising a family, I do a lot more development in stops and starts from my phone these days than
My Paper To-Do Strategy
Coding up a to-do app may be the Hello, World of every framework, but when it comes to actually tracking tasks effectively (knock ’em out not stack ’em up) there’s no app that keeps things front of mind better than an open notebook on your desk. Here’s my
Digital Resilience: Redundancy for Websites and Communications
When what seems like half the planet noped out of WhatsApp after its terms of service update, applications like Signal (which I highly recommend) saw an unprecedented increase in user traffic. Signal had so many new users sign up that it overwhelmed their existing infrastructure and lead to a 24-hour-ish
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